In City Golf in the City Centre of Merano
in News @en/by Alice GiacominiFor an evening the golf sport left his usual venues and moved to the city centre of Merano. In City Golf brought the golf course on the streets and to the crowded places around the long Tuesday in Merano.
In City Golf going to Rome
in News @en/by Alice GiacominiWe will arrange with DIGA, an 18 hole tournament inside (and outside) the main international embassies based in Rome. The idea between this project is like traveling between East and West, North and South in a single day. An exclusive and intriguing tour reserved for 72 lucky players who will compete with one big goal: ultimate a trip around the world, not only in the shortest possible time, but also with the fewest shots.
In City Golf va all’EXPO Milano 2015
in News @en/by Alice GiacominiUno spettacolare tee shot su un green sintetico di Brilliant8 per un colpo di avvicinamento “nearest to the pin”, un’esibizione promossa da Federazione Italiana Golf in collaborazione con In City Golf: sarà questa la gustosa anteprima dei prossimi Open d’Italia che andrà in scena martedì 15 settembre (ore 17) negli spazi del Padiglione Italia di Milano Expo 2015, su un’area di gioco allestita in prossimità dell’Albero della Vita.
A lanciare palline bianche per questo spot inedito nel Padiglione Italia di Milano Expo 2015 saranno tre noti campioni italiani della disciplina: la triestina Giulia Sergas, la vicentina Margherita Rigon e il monzese Marco Crespi.
Toccherà a questi tre alfieri del golf italiano (giovedì Marco Crespi sarà al via dell’ Open d’Italia) misurarsi sul green artificiale di In City Golf: 10 colpi (2 sequenze di
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5 tentativi) per far giungere la pallina più vicina alla buca (“nearest to the pin”) con un solo colpo, e per aggiudicarsi il “Trofeo Padiglione Italia Milano Expo 2015”.
In City Golf Livigno 2015
in News @en/by Alice GiacominiSix holes arranged in the small Italian Tibet: Livigno. From the Lake to the shopping streets, there have been several locations for the first edition of In City Golf Livigno, which after Verona, Florence and Cortina d’Ampezzo was the fourth venue to host the event. Among the participants have been the bike trial champion Vittorio Brumotti, his mate Giorgia Palmas, the famous skiers Giorgio Rocca and Roberto Nani and cyclists from Team Saxo-Tinkoff.
“Thanks to this event – said Luca Moretti, president of Apt Livigno – we officially started the golf season starring our Golf Training Area. It is an innovative plant, a modern concept that allows you to approach the game of golf without major constraints and suited to those who want to learn or improve strokes in proportion.”
In the afternoon there was the first edition of Livigno Golf Open at the Golf Training Area, built by our partners Brilliant8.